Lovely Dresses and Dinner Suites

Lovely Dresses & Dinner Suites

Lovely Dresses & Dinner Suits:

If you’ve not noticed, the value of Lovely Dresses and Dinner Suits has significantly increased this year. Continue reading to discover what you can do to get involved in this market and why!

Continue reading

Malevolent, Dreadful, and Contender Transmog.

What is Malevolent, Dreadful, and Contender Transmog?

If you played World of Warcraft during Mists of Pandaria (MoP), you would be familiar with this crafted gear from Leatherworking, Blacksmithing, and Tailoring. These items were called Crafted Malevolent, Crafted Dreadful, and Contender’s gear. During MoP, these crafts were very valuable, thanks to PvP content and their bonus sets. Even to this day, they still hold a reasonable valuation and offer me a steady income.

To view the Malevolent, Dreadful, and Contender transmog via Wowhead. Click on the links provided to view their item sets.

How Do We Obtain These Recipes?

Leatherworking has the best return when operating in this market, as it crafts both Leather and Mail items. However, it comes at a price, as you’ll need to learn more recipes than the other two professions. The Malevolent and Dreadful recipes are locked behind a specific craft that has a daily cooldown; meaning you need to craft an epic material to discover a new recipe for your profession. Below is a summary of the crafts necessary for each profession.

Craft needed to discover a new Crafted Dreadful recipe. (Daily Cooldown)

Craft needed to discover a new Crafted Malevolent recipe. (Daily Cooldown)

Please don’t confuse Hardened Magnificent Hide, Balanced Trillium Ingot, and Celestial Cloth with Accelerated Hardened Magnificent Hide, Accelerated Balanced Trillium Ingot, and Accelerated Celestial Cloth. The accelerated versions have no cooldowns and don’t discover any new recipes.

Contender Recipes from Vendors

Each profession has its dedicated vendors that sell Contender’s recipe; this will cost you 1x Spirit of Harmony from the following vendors.




Crafting Your Malevolent, Dreadful, and Contender Transmog!

Once you’ve learned your recipes, start crafting your gear. The materials needed to craft the items are straightforward and easy to acquire, either from farming or purchasing from the Auction House. I urge you to check TheUndermineJournal (TUJ); this will give you an idea of your materials and crafts’ value and ultimately help you decide whether it’s beneficial to farm or purchase your materials.

Material shopping list (RMA = Region Market Avg from TUJ)

Remember you can craft Magnificent Hide from 50x Exotic Leather, Ghost Iron Bar from 2x Ghost Iron Ore, and Bolt of Windwool Cloth from 5x Windwool Cloth; by crafting our own materials, we improve our profit margins. These crafts do not have a cooldown!

The Benefits of Malevolent, Dreadful, and Contender Transmog:

What makes this gear valuable is the transmog aspect; they have some excellent skins. With the introduction of Shadowlands and the Relic of the Past, this gear can help players level efficiently. The relic can manipulate the item’s ilvl and level requirement, meaning this has some value for lower-level players. The bonus for equipping 2 or 4 pieces may be beneficial.

Previous Sales:

Here are some of my previous sales to show the amount of gold you can make from this market.

Malevolent, Dreadful, and Contender's Transmog Sales
Crafted Transmog Sales

Update – The Mage Tower:

Following the release of the new World Event: Legion Timewalking and the reintroduction of the Mage Tower, Crafted Dreadful Gladiator’s gear is in high demand. When these items are applied with either a Relic IV or Relic V, they scale extremely well, due to the gem sockets and enchants that can be applied.

As with the increase in the value of these crafts, you’ll notice that the materials are in high demand too; and have tripled in value on some realms. If you’re able to farm materials during this event, I’d suggest checking out my new blog post, covering the materials needed during the World Event: Legion Timewalking and the Mage Tower.

Also, check out my other blog post for more information regarding other crafts that are selling during this event!


Thank you for taking the time to read this blog post; I hope you found this post informative. Please do consider commenting and sharing. If you found any errors, please contact me, and I’d be happy to resolve any issues. Thank you to Wowhead for the use of their website’s data to add helpful links.

Island Expedition Transmog

Today’s blog post is concerning Transmog from Island Expeditions. Since the release of patch 8.3 I have been regularly buying up cheap Transmog from the Auction House and successfully flipping them for profit. Today I will inform you how you can either earn these running Expeditions or buying them off the Auction House; for flipping now or in preparation for Shadowlands.

This post is written to help those unaware of this market, maybe dipping their toes in to something new. However, if you feel this may help someone, or offer some different information than highlighted before, please feel free to share.

What’s the Benefit?

At the moment, the Auction Houses are saturated by Transmog from Island Expeditions. The Expeditions are a great way to level, and some of the rewards are extremely good, ranging from Transmog, Mounts and Battle Pets. With the lack of content, people are farming; thus, a lot of these items are on the Auction House cheap waiting for players like us to soak them up.

We should buy these up, so when Shadowlands is upon us, and people are enjoying the new content, the supply will drop, increasing the value of the Transmog. As with most things in life, the best items will always demand a higher price, so keep your eyes peeled. I will add later some of the items that I believe are of interest.

Always remember, Transmog is a very fickle market; an item might look nice to you, but may look entirely different to someone else and vice versa. So always take care when purchasing Transmog.

What is Island Expedition Transmog.

The Transmog from Island Expeditions is armor of ilvl 310 or weapons (Plundered) at ilvl 325. These have recolor skins of previous raid/ expansion content.

Island Expedition Transmog sets.

How to earn Transmog Doing Island Expeditions.

Most people use Island Expeditions to power-level characters/alts, complete their weekly objective or farm for Transmog, Mounts or Battle Pets. At the end of each run, you will receive loot and  Seafarer’s Dubloon based on objectives completed and how successful you were. If you didn’t earn any Transmog on your run, don’t worry, you can purchase salvage with  Seafarer’s Dubloon from your factions vendor. They’re situated by the Expedition Table.

Alliance – Boralus
Captain Nightrunner

Horde – Daza’alor
Captain Kitt

These vendors sell a salvage crate from between 50 to 175  Seafarer’s Dubloon. The crates change on a weekly cycle dependant on the current maps. You also have the chance to receive Mounts and Battle Pets, so if you’re farming for these too, this is a great way to obtain them. Click on one of the vendors above, to check the crates available as each crate has different/specific items.

Island Expedition Strategies

Alternative to Running Island Expeditions.

As the Transmog is bind on equip (BoE) we can purchase them off the Auction House if we deem them cheap enough. Remember, the gear is currently saturated on the Auction House, so prices of some items are extremely low. When the demand and the supply change in Shadowlands, so will the prices. Be prepared when the prices change, to make the most amount of profit, adapting is key!

Make sure you consider the size and economy of your realm. Check out The Undermine Journal and see how much 310 and 325 items are. Also, don’t post too many of any one item as the posting costs are extremely high!

I recommend grabbing yourself a few pieces of each, but only spend what you can afford to risk losing. After all, we’re gambling here, and you don’t make large amounts of profit, without taking a calculated risk.

Items of interest

Duskhaven Top Hat
Flamecaster Stave
Stinkrot Smasher
Firekin Items*
Beacon-light Bulwark
Bear-Carved Fists
Tranquil Path items*
Razorfin Items*
Blade of Northern Kings

(*Helm/Shoulder/Chest items demand a higher value) Bracers will be the lowest.

(To be Updated)

TSM Import String

Here’s my TSM import string for Islands Expedition Transmog. There are no operations, but they’re simple to create. The values within the groups are merely for reference.


I can understand that some of you reading this blog post may seem very sceptical of all this. But to provide some reassurances, I’ve added some screenshots below, covering some of my sales. Bear in mind these sales are during Battle for Azeroth, and these prices will only increase once Shadowlands releases.

Have you been buying and selling Island Expedition Transmog? how’s your sales? Do you have a sufficient inventory ready for Shadowlands? Let me know how you’re getting on, in the comment section below.

As always, a shout-out to Wowhead for use of their database. All links directed to them. If you enjoyed this post, please share. Thanks for reading.

Pre-Cataclysm Rare Shirts

Today I bring you a very early blog this morning, in an attempt to give you an excellent warning, regarding any alts or maybe your main, that you may have created before the release of Cataclysm, that may have some old shirts either equipped or stored in your bank.

As you’ll be aware by now, in a couple of days (July 19th to be exact), the Legion pre-patch will finally be going live, and this will bring the long-awaited Transmog Wardrobe. As well as the ability to change the look of your Weapons and Armor, you’ll also have the ability to learn those shirts, Tabards you’ve collected over time. However, there are some lovely shirts out there, most that are unobtainable any longer and these may be equipped on old alts or stored in personal banks.

Now is the best time to quickly log in to all of your alts and quickly check whether they have any rare shirts equipped. If they don’t, fear not, check your bank too. Remember, we’re explicitly looking for rare shirts that were starting shirts before the release of Cataclysm. Below I’ve added a list of the rare starter shirts.

 Brawler’s Harness,  Footpad’s Shirt,  Initiate’s Shirt,  Lookout’s Tunic,  Primitive Mantle,  Primitive Mantle,  Recruit’s Shirt,  Recruit’s Shirt,  Rugged Trapper’s Shirt,  Scout’s Shirt,  Squire’s Shirt,  Squire’s Shirt,  Thug Shirt,  Trapper’s Shirt,  Trapper’s Shirt,  Warder’s Shirt

When checking the Auction House for shirts, be aware and cautious for shirts that may look rare, but are not! The shirts to be wary of are available from a vendor called Thomas Yance in Old Hillsbrad Foothills. I’ve added his shirts below.

Vendor Shirts:
 Recruit’s Shirt,  Squire’s Shirt,  Neophyte’s Shirt,  Apprentice’s Shirt,  Acolyte’s Shirt

Be sure not to buy these off the Auction House; many people will be looking to profit from those unsure of these shirts. The obvious trick is putting the  Squire’s Shirt on the Auction House and trick buyers, as this looks very similar to  Squire’s Shirt, but both are different!

If you have no interest in using any of these rare shirts, MAKE SURE THEY’RE NOT EQUIPPED PRIOR TO PRE-PATCH as they’ll become soulbound on the 19th! un-equip them and place them in your bag and get them on the Auction House asap. Most have a guide price from 50k upwards according to Wowhead, but they could easily demand a higher price, due to them no longer available. Don’t be scared to price them very high at the start of the Legion Pre-Patch and if you get no buyers, feel free to reduce the price slowly. Alternatively, do what I’m doing and leave them as high as possible, as you’ll get a completionist sooner or later, the price will only go up as they become rarer as others get learned.

Hope this helps, have fun and see you in Legion!

Gold Making: A Beginner’s Guide To Transmog by Peelyon

If you’ve ever wanted to dip into the Transmog Market and in need of some direction then please do check out Peelyon’s Gold Making: A Beginner’s Guide To Transmog at Icy Veins. It’s excellently written and offers a wealth of information to help all new and experienced players get into the Transmog Market as effortlessly as possible.

If you’ve dreaded the task of getting to grips with Transmog in the past, then fear no more, as Peelyon guides you carefully and thoroughly through every aspect of farming, the best classes and importantly, the best addons such as LootAppraiser and TSM.

You can also follow Peelyon via social media, Ive added links below. Please check him out and take some time to offer some feedback. Feedback is very important to a blogger, streamer as it gives them the motivation to continue and to offer further guides, information to those in need in the future.


Ilvl 397 BoE Wrists and Boots Transmog

I’ll be honest, but I’ve kind of stumbled upon this today, but it’s definitely worth sharing just in case some of you have missed this too.

There are two vendors, one in Orgrimmar called Jamus’Vas and one in Stormwind called Faldren Tillsdale. They sell the old Valor ilvl 397 items, which are available for gold.  The items we’re interested in are the BoE (Bind on Equip) Wrists and Boots. These items vary from as little as 140g to 220g each (depending on your reputation) and the returns when sold on the auction house are excellent.

Now it’s important, that when you visit either of these vendors, and interact with them, that you use the drop down menu and select available to all and BoE. This will show everything available to all classes not just yours! Showing BoE (Bind on Equip) will eliminate items also available for BoP (Bind on Pickup). If you dont follow this, be very careful you dont accidently purchase something that is BoP. You will not be able to resell anything BoP. Ive made this error many times in the past with vendor recipes, something I learnt very quickly.

I’d suggest checking out TuJ (The Undermine Journal) too and check what prices these go for on your auction house. Once you’re happy with any of the items, buy one of each and post to the auction house.


Rooftop Griptoes

Bought: 450g
Sold: 5299g

ilvl 397 boots - transmog

As I always say, the Transmog market is a very volatile and competitive market, you may make a sale within hours, days or even months, but the Transmog market is one of patience, to reap the full return on investment.

Vanguard Plate Set

In my previous two posts, I covered the items needed to complete your Glorious plate set and Lofty plate set. Today , I bring you the Vanguard Plate set. Again, this is a recolour of the original Glorious Plate set. Most of these items, can be farmed from AQ20 (Ruins of AhnQ’iraj).

AQ20 is situated South of Silithus, Kalimdor.

Slot – Item – Average Pricevanguard plate set

Helm – Vanguard Headdress – 7k
Shoulder – Vanguard Pauldrons – 5k
Chest – Vanguard Breastplate – 17.5k
Legs – Vanguard Legplates – 50k
Wrists – Vanguard Vambraces – 8k
Hands –  Vanguard Gauntlets – 4k
Waist – Vanguard Girdle – 4k
Feet – Vanguard Sabatons – 3.5k

These items are highly desired and have an extremely low drop rate, whether you’re collecting these pieces for your own set, or simply farming transmog to sell, these items can easily net you anywhere from as little as 3.500g to as much as 50.000g. This is server dependent of course. Prices will fluctuate depending on your servers demand and competition. So be sure to check the Auction House to see what competition you have. As a rule of thumb, you can always use The Undermine Journal (TUJ) to get important information.

Ive had some success farming items from all three of these sets, but it really knuckles down to RNG and your luck. Drop me a line below and tell me about your experiences, or maybe you’ve made a nice sale, selling these items.

Anyway, have any questions, get in touch and will get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks for reading and good luck!

Lofty Plate Set

In this post, i’ll be covering the Lofty Plate set, which is a recolour to the Glorious Plate set. The items for this set can also be farmed from AQ20 (Ruins of AhnQ’iraj), but sadly like the Glorious Plate set, the items have an extremely low drop rate. With this being the case AQ20 is still the ideal place to farm these items.

AQ20 is situated South of Silithus, Kalimdor.

Slot – Item – Average valueLofty plate set

Helm – Lofty Helm – 18k
Shoulder – Lofty Shoulder Pads – 3.2k
Chest – Lofty Breastplate – 18k
Legs – Lofty Legguards – 9.5k
Wrists – Lofty Armguards – 4k
Hands – Lofty Gauntlets – 6k
Waist – Lofty Belt – 7k
Feet – Lofty Sabatons – 6k

Items towards the Lofty Plate set, can go for as little as 3.000g to as high as 18.000g on the Auction House (AH). So even if you’re not farming these items for yourself, they are still a nice little earner if you plan to sell them.

As posted in my previous post, you can also collect the Glorious Plate set and the Vanguard Plate set, these offer different colours to that of the set above. Always check the Auction House to see if there’s much demand or competition if you plan to sell any of these items. The Undermine Journal (TUJ) is a fantastic website if you’re in need of any details on prices etc.

Check out my next post where i cover the last set, the Vanguard Plate set.

Thanks for reading and be sure to share your success stories.