Skullflame Sheild

Due to alot of competition, I had to lower my value for Skullflame Shield, but considering I farmed it from AQ20, it’s still a very nice sale. 7300g for my efforts.

Skullflame shield sale

Vanguard Plate Set

In my previous two posts, I covered the items needed to complete your Glorious plate set and Lofty plate set. Today , I bring you the Vanguard Plate set. Again, this is a recolour of the original Glorious Plate set. Most of these items, can be farmed from AQ20 (Ruins of AhnQ’iraj).

AQ20 is situated South of Silithus, Kalimdor.

Slot – Item – Average Pricevanguard plate set

Helm – Vanguard Headdress – 7k
Shoulder – Vanguard Pauldrons – 5k
Chest – Vanguard Breastplate – 17.5k
Legs – Vanguard Legplates – 50k
Wrists – Vanguard Vambraces – 8k
Hands –  Vanguard Gauntlets – 4k
Waist – Vanguard Girdle – 4k
Feet – Vanguard Sabatons – 3.5k

These items are highly desired and have an extremely low drop rate, whether you’re collecting these pieces for your own set, or simply farming transmog to sell, these items can easily net you anywhere from as little as 3.500g to as much as 50.000g. This is server dependent of course. Prices will fluctuate depending on your servers demand and competition. So be sure to check the Auction House to see what competition you have. As a rule of thumb, you can always use The Undermine Journal (TUJ) to get important information.

Ive had some success farming items from all three of these sets, but it really knuckles down to RNG and your luck. Drop me a line below and tell me about your experiences, or maybe you’ve made a nice sale, selling these items.

Anyway, have any questions, get in touch and will get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks for reading and good luck!

Lofty Plate Set

In this post, i’ll be covering the Lofty Plate set, which is a recolour to the Glorious Plate set. The items for this set can also be farmed from AQ20 (Ruins of AhnQ’iraj), but sadly like the Glorious Plate set, the items have an extremely low drop rate. With this being the case AQ20 is still the ideal place to farm these items.

AQ20 is situated South of Silithus, Kalimdor.

Slot – Item – Average valueLofty plate set

Helm – Lofty Helm – 18k
Shoulder – Lofty Shoulder Pads – 3.2k
Chest – Lofty Breastplate – 18k
Legs – Lofty Legguards – 9.5k
Wrists – Lofty Armguards – 4k
Hands – Lofty Gauntlets – 6k
Waist – Lofty Belt – 7k
Feet – Lofty Sabatons – 6k

Items towards the Lofty Plate set, can go for as little as 3.000g to as high as 18.000g on the Auction House (AH). So even if you’re not farming these items for yourself, they are still a nice little earner if you plan to sell them.

As posted in my previous post, you can also collect the Glorious Plate set and the Vanguard Plate set, these offer different colours to that of the set above. Always check the Auction House to see if there’s much demand or competition if you plan to sell any of these items. The Undermine Journal (TUJ) is a fantastic website if you’re in need of any details on prices etc.

Check out my next post where i cover the last set, the Vanguard Plate set.

Thanks for reading and be sure to share your success stories.

Glorious Plate Set

The Glorious Plate set is a very high demand transmog set which has an extremely low drop chance. You can farm the items towards this set within AQ20 (Ruins of AhnQ’iraj). AQ20 was a classic raid instance back in Vanilla Wow, it can be easilly farmed, with plenty of mobs to kill and loot. It’s without doubt the best place to go if you’re in need of items for this set.

AQ20, is situated south of Silithus in Kalimdor.

Slot – Item – Average ValueGlorious plate set

Helm – Glorious Headdress6.5k
Shoulders – Glorious Shoulder Pad18.5k
Chest – Glorious Breastplate4.5k
Legs – Glorious Legplates95k
Wrist – Glorious Bindings1.5k
Hands – Glorious Gauntlets9k
Waist – Glorious Belt5k
Feet – Glorious Sabatons9.5k

You can also farm items towards the Lofty Plate set and the Vanguard Plate set from AQ20 too. These sets offer a different colour skin to that of the set above. These are also on high demand, due to the extremely low drop rate. Prices for any of these desired items can vary from as low as 1.500g to anywhere up to 95.000g. It really knuckles down to your server and demand.

My advice would be to always check your Auction House (AH) to see whether there’s a demand for it and if there’s none there, good, go check out The Undermine Journal (TUJ). TUJ is a fantastic website, to get information regarding any item you can think of within World of Warcraft. You can see details like prices, amount posted on the auction house etc. Another thing to consider would be looking at downloading TradeSkillMaster (TSM). This addon has so much to offer, the information alone within tooltips is an absolute godsend.

Check my next two posts, highlighting the Lofty Plate set and Vanguard Plate set. Be sure to comment below if you’ve been successful enough to loot one of these items, maybe you’ve sold one and made alot of gold too.

Thanks for reading guys and hope the RNG gods are smiling down on you…